The Fishermen’s Rights Association (FRA) in Sri Lanka has called on the authorities to pay the remaining compensation to over 6,000 affected fisherfolk immediately from the compensation of USD 890,000 and Rs. 16 million already sent by the Singaporean Insurance company.

The compensation amount was sent by the insurance company to pay damages caused to affected fisherfolk and the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA).

The FRA says not only fishermen but also their families lost their livelihood following the container ship disaster.

The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl container ship caught fire off the Colombo outer Harbour four years ago and nearly 1,486 containers including 81 containers which had chemical substances were immediately evacuated to prevent further fire.

Due to the disaster the fisher folk lost their valuable fishing gear including fishing boats. The country also lost valuable ocean living –beings including turtles, dolphins and sharks which are rare species in Sri Lankan waters.

According to a recent court order, the Singaporean insurance company recently agreed to pay USD 890,000 and Rs. 16 million as an interim payment for the costs incurred by Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) and also to the compensation of victimized fishermen.

During that period the fishermen were engaged in fishing in the ocean areas of Hendala, Wattala, Dikovita and Kepumgoda.

FRA President Jayasiri Wickramarachchi who is also the Chairman of Central Fish Market (CFM) told Sunday Observer Business that affected people whose livelihood was fishing are now eagerly awaiting to have their compensation.

“So that they could repair their damaged fishing vessels, nets etc and also to purchase new fishing gear,” he said.

Wickramarachchi said if the affected fisher families receive their compensation early the Peliyagoda main fish market could increase their daily fish stocks again and it will help to reduce fish prices further.