Dave Swindells is one of many putting their lives at risk to put food on the table.

The Rockhampton fisherman’s job is listed as one of the most dangerous in Australia.

A statement by lifeinsurancefinder.com has commercial fisherman sitting at the top of the list, with miners and truck drivers rounding out the top three.

While Dave works mainly in the rivers and along the coast, he said it can be hard work when the water’s rough. “I don’t find it too dangerous, but the operator of the vessel needs to be a capable person, otherwise it would be dangerous,” he said.

Dave, 60, spends close to seven hours on his boat daily, catching mackerel, blue salmon, and barramundi.

Fishing can be an unstable livelihood, but Dave said despite that and some dangers, he mostly enjoyed what he did.

And there’s ways to ensure he stays safe.

“We all have safety procedures put in place and before hopping on a commercial vessel,” Dave said.

But the fisherman doesn’t consider his job to be as dangerous as some others.

“There hasn’t been one death attributed to commercial fishing this year.

“Look at truck drivers – they’re on the road all day and more people are killed on the road than at sea,” Dave said. And Dave’s not far off the mark, with truck drivers taking out the third spot on the list.

Central Telegraph Pty Ltd 2013