Ghana will be getting 11 new fishing ports by 2017, constructed by Dutch engineering and consulting company DHV.

Construction will begin this summer, and the project totals $200m which will be financed by Ghana with a Chinese loan.

The new ports will improve the standard of living of Ghanaians in the coastal provinces and will be constructed in Axim, Dixcove, Winneba, Senya Beraku, Elmina, James Town, Gomoa Fetteh, Moree, Mumford, Teshie and Keta.

Ghana’s coastline is 539km long and very inhospitable. Approximately 20% of the population relies on fishing or related activities and for more than a century Ghana has grappled with the question of how to build the small fishing ports.

Loading and unloading currently take place on the beach and the boats and canoes cannot always cope with the heavy waves.

Ben Reeskamp, DHV’s director of ports and waterways said, “Building the ports will provide better protection for the boats and it will be possible to load and unload hygienically in the lee of a breakwater. Thanks to cold stores the caught fish will be storable for much longer and this will give Ghana’s economy a significant boost.

Mr Reeskamp said that the needs of the local population and the places where the ports would be most beneficial were examined in collaboration with the local people.

Land will be reclaimed and quays and breakwaters will be built in the new port areas. Small modern ports will be built, including a fish market, port buildings, good infrastructure and crèches.

Mercator Media Ltd 2012