Gloria Maris’ aquaculture farm, on the French island of Corsica, has been certified sustainable by international certification body, Friend of the Sea.

Following required corrective actions of its fish escape prevention and energy management system, Gloria Maris’ farm and its meagre, European sea bass and Gilthead sea bream, now carry the Friend of the Sea seal of approval.

In order to ensure sustainable management, the company manages and controls the potential environmental impacts, water parameters, prevents impact on the surrounding ecosystem and ensures waste is managed appropriately.

A diver also checks the farm several times a week to maintain nets and anchors and assess fish health.

Philippe Riera, president of Gloria Maris, said: “In gaining Friend of the Sea prominent certification we can highlight the efforts made in looking after our fish and the measures undertaken to maintain strict sustainable management practices.

The French farm, which was established in 1992, has three plants located within the bays of Ajaccio and Campomoro, within a national park.

Mercator Media Ltd 2013