The fisheries department has set the ball rolling for deployment of over 150 artificial reef modules in 14 fishing villages across the state. The Centre has already sanctioned `4.34 crore for the project.

“We want to do the deployment of these artificial reef modules by January 2024. The Centre has already released 15 per cent of the sanctioned amount to set up the artificial reefs. We have already had an awareness programme on installation and deployment of artificial reefs in the fishing villages,” fisheries director Deepesh Priolkar said.

In all, fishermen from 28 fishing villages of the state were called for the awareness programme wherein they were explained about the importance of artificial reefs. The fishermen have been asked to identify the sites and give their consent for deployment of reefs by this month-end.

“Once the locations to deploy the reefs are finalised, a technical team will visit it to ensure if it has all the necessary requirements,” he said further informing that at every site artificial reefs of three different modules – well ring, reef fish and grouper fish – would be set up on an area of 10,000 square metres.

“To deploy the reefs, the bottom has to be of firm sand and the depth has to be at least 10 metres,” he said. Additionally, the site should be nearer to the fishing village to simplify the logistics of installation.

The artificial reefs help in improving the carbon footprint of coastal fisheries, helps in recovery of depleted stocks by increasing the survival of juveniles by providing shelter and additional food, improves biodiversity and the reserves of vulnerable and near threatened species and sheltering stocks, opens opportunities towards sea ranching and stock rebuilding, transplanting, among others