The All Goa Fishing Boat Owners Union has approached the Goa government urging a series of measures, including increasing the fishing ban period to 120 days from the existing 61 days, in a bid to curb over exploitation of fishing resources in the Arabian Sea. In their letter to Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar and Fisheries Minister Avertano Furtado, the union has called for a uniform ban along the western coast on all types of fishing activities such as mini purse seine and canoe fishing by traditional fisherman. “Increase fishing ban period from June 1 to July 31, to 120 days – May 1 to August 31 or even more if found necessary. Uniform ban to all the western coast, uniform ban to all types of fishing activities… ban high speed engines above 200 Horse Power, the list of demands reads, stating implementation of these measures would save the fishing industry. The letter also seeks banning of bull trawling method of fishing by speed engines, LED lights fishing, and permitting any more licenses to fishing boats and licenses to fish meal plants besides need to regulate the mesh-size net to allow juvenile fish to escape. Sitakant Parab, who has made the suggestions on behalf of the union, apprehends that the fishing industry would collapse resulting in fish famine if the measures are not implemented. “Lakhs of fishermen and related people would be jobless. Government will lose foreign exchange… he said, requesting the government’s immediate intervention.

M/s Herald Publications Pvt Ltd.