The Centre has allocated Rs 9 crore to Goa’s fisheries sector under the Blue Revolution for the 2016-17. The state department of fisheries has prepared an action plan for this financial year. The objective of Blue Revolution is to increase fisheries production in a sustainable manner for the economic prosperity of the state. Also to increase inland and marine fishing activities from aquaculture and fisheries. A total of 13 schemes have been listed under the Blue Revolution. One of those is financial assistance to traditional/artisanal fishermen for procurement of FRP boats up to 10m OAL as replacement for traditional/wooden boats, including net. Additionally, there are schemes for motorization of traditional craft; safety of fishermen at sea; cold rooms; ice pant; insulated truck; auto rickshaw with ice box and motorcycle with ice box. The funds were sent to us by the central government recently following which we have launched these schemes, said superintendent of fisheries Chandrakant Velip. The Blue Revolution was launched with the aim to create an integrated and holistic development and management of fisheries in the country, and to improve the socio-economic conditions of fisherfolk and fish farmers.
2016 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.