On World Ocean Day on Saturday, scores of dead fish washed ashore at Velsao, marking the second such occurrence in less than a week. Cortalim MLA Antonio Vas demanded stringent action against those responsible. Vas and some local fisherfolk held a protest on Velsao beach over the fish deaths.

“I suspect hazardous chemicals or effluents discharged by a fertiliser manufacturing company operating on the hillock is the main cause of death of fish on such a large scale,” Vas said. “The Goa State Pollution Control Board, the South Goa collector, the Mormugao deputy collector, and the environment minister must act against whoever is discharging hazardous chemicals into the sea.” Vas said he has complained to the authorities, but no action has been taken so far.

“The authorities should at least determine why so many fish are dying at Velsao beach,” Vas said. “People consuming fish containing chemicals are at great risk.” People in and around Velsao are dependent on fishing for livelihood, Vas said, adding that they have lost business over the past several days because of fish deaths. “I demand that the company which is allegedly involved in releasing the effluents into the sea inspect the site and figure out what is wrong,” he said.

Velsao’s fisherfolk have raised the same demands and concerns. “The leaders of the Velsao fisherfolk community who represent us in the state and at the Centre through their associations should not play politics,” a local fisherman said. “These leaders should keep their egos aside and work for the betterment of the community.” The fisherman said that the leaders have not yet raised their voice against the high mortality of fish. “The fish which are washed ashore at Velsao are risky to consume,” he said. “Who has given permission to the company to lay a pipeline to release its effluents into the sea?”