Demanding a fair magisterial probe into the lathi-charge on fishermen being investigated by south Goa district magistrate Swapnil Naik, Goenchea Ramponnkarancho Ekvott (GRE) has demanded suspension of the officers including superintendent of police (crime) Karthik Kashyap for allegedly ordering lathi-charge on May 12. Joint secretary, GRE, Olencio Simoes said that when the fishermen were trying to negotiate the issue with deputy collector Gaurish Shankwalkar, the police ordered for a lathi-charge and arrest of all the protesting fishermen. A total of 23 fishermen were resultantly put behind bars, but, later released on bail. GRE members demanded that the policemen should be suspended with immediate effect and insisted that a fair magisterial probe be done in the matter. “We are hoping that action will be initiated against the officers concerned failing which we will be forced to come out on the street once again to demand justice for the illegal lathi- charge on fishermen,” added Simoes. President of GRE, Agnelo Rodrigues, said that the main motive behind the illegal lathi-charge was to protect the interest of off-shore casino whose business was getting hampered due to the peaceful agitation. A video footage clearly shows that a senior policer was congratulated by the casino owner, Rodrigues alleged.
2016, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.