The markets are seeing an abundance of sardines this season but the stroke of good luck is not necessarily spelling happiness for fishermen. Selling the fresh catch for as little as 50 a kg from its previous lofty price of 100 a kg is still leaving the fishermen with an exess of as much as 90 kg a day. Such such a large surplus on their hands, most of it is ending up at fish meal plants. “People are purchasing more than their usual amount because of the lower prices. Despite this we are easily left with 60-90 kg of sardines a day,” said fish vendor Girish Naik. Another vendor, Devanand Lamani, was quick to add, “We are currently incurring a loss of 2,000-3,000 a day. Owing to humidity, the shelf life of sardines is only a day. We are forced to sell the leftover fish to fish meal plants every day.” This phenomenon does not entirely mean losses, insist others. Fisheries director Shamila Monteiro said, “Most of the fish is going to fish meal plants because there is more produce and less demand for sardines. The fish vendors are getting a good rate against the leftovers.” “This need not necessarily mean losses since we get income even out of the leftovers,” a member of the Mandovi fishermen’s marketing cooperative society said. With a number of fish vendors selling sardines at 300 per box (45-60kg), approximately 100 tonnes of the fish is going to fish meal plants per day, sources said. “We sell a box of sardines for 600 to fish vendors. They are still getting 50% of their money back so the situation is somewhat under control,” said Baga-based fisherman Ronnie Fernandes.