After the use of LED lights for fishing was banned last week, the fisheries department has identified and ordered a couple of boat owners to remove the lights from their vessels, claimed fisheries director Shamila Monteiro on Tuesday. “Implementation of the prohibitory order banning LED lights is ongoing and not delayed, Monteiro said. She said that many of the fishing boats equipped with the lights are out at sea and are unaware of the issuance of a prohibitory order. They can only be asked to remove the lights when they return to the shore. The fishing boats with LED lights that are currently in the jetty have to be given some time to remove the lights from their vessels. But they will not be permitted to sail again unless they take off the lights, she added. Monteiro said that post the ban the department has written to the coast guard asking it to nab boats with the lights if found in Goan waters, and conveyed to the central ministry the need to ban them uniformly. Goan fishing boats with the lights are purse seiners and they are operating beyond 12 nautical miles where the department does not have jurisdiction. The use of LED is not banned by the central government. Last Wednesday fishermen strongly protested the delay in implementation of the order prohibiting LED lights and generators on boats. Monteiro refuted all charges of delay and said the execution of the order is “ongoing. The department acted swiftly in issuing the notification and we are taking necessary steps, she said. All fishermen associations have been informed to bring to the department’s notice the boats with LED lights and follow-up action is being taken. Fishing associations are “co-operating in providing the names of boat owners, Monteiro said. The prohibitory order against the presence and use of LED lights or any other light equipment with generators was issued on May 10 and the notification was published on May 12. The fisheries department has only one patrol boat and three officers for patrolling sea as well as shore. Boats using LED lights are owned by fishermen from Goa, Kerala and Karnataka. Only the Goan fishermen can be prevented from using the lights by not permitting them to set off for sail again, she said.