Recent findings from a field survey conducted by the ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute (ICAR-CCARI) have sounded alarm bells over the diminishing diversity of fish species in Nanda Lake, Goa’s sole Ramsar site. The study stresses the pressing need for conservation efforts to protect the lake’s delicate ecosystem. ICAR-CCARI has been extensively documenting fish diversity across Goa’s various ecosystems, collaborating with the Goa State Biodiversity Board (GSBB) and Goa State Wetland Authority (GSWA). This partnership led to the designation of Nanda Lake as a Ramsar site, a significant milestone for conservation in the State.

Initiating the documentation of fish faunal diversity at Nanda Lake, the study, led by Trivesh Suresh Mayekar, a Scientist at ICAR-CCARI, revealed critical insights into the biodiversity of this Ramsar site. Nanda Lake, located in Quepem taluka, spans 64.5 hectares amidst intermittent freshwater marshes adjacent to a Zuari River tributary. “As the State’s only Ramsar site, Nanda Lake plays a pivotal role in the regional ecosystem. Connected to the river channel via a sluice gate, these marshes support diverse migratory water birds, along with a rich array of plants, animals, and fish species,” noted ICAR-CCARI officials.

The field survey identified 17 fish species within the Ramsar site. However, concerning observations were made regarding the decline in fish species diversity, with local fishermen and residents reporting the decline. Of particular concern are two species, Pethia setnai and Haludaria pradhani, classified as threatened on the IUCN Red List, found only at one of the five sampling sites. This indicates habitat destruction and underscores the urgent need for conservation measures.

ICAR-CCARI emphasised that the presence of threatened fish species highlights the vulnerability of Nanda Lake’s aquatic habitats. “Habitat destruction has led to a significant decrease in fish faunal diversity. Robust conservation policies and management practices are imperative for Nanda Lake and its surrounding areas. Collaborative efforts involving stakeholders, governmental bodies, and local communities are essential for sustainable management,” stressed ICAR-CCARI officials.

In response, ICAR-CCARI plans to address declining fish stocks by collecting brood stock and producing them in a captive environment. “Effective management strategies are crucial for the long-term preservation of Nanda Lake’s biodiversity,” emphasized ICAR-CCARI officials. The research team included Dr. Sreekanth GB, Melbin Lal, BB Borges (research scholars of CCARI), Shruti S (Project assistant, GSWA), and Samiksha C (Programme officer, GSBB), alongside Mayekar.