Purse seiners in Goa are contemplating legally challenging the State Fisheries Department over its decision to ban high intensity light-emitting diodes (LED) fishing citing a likely law and order situation. An association of purse seiners here questioned the decision saying the government had imposed the ban without conducting a scientific study. They also claimed that their grievances were not being addressed by the Union Ministry for Agriculture. The All Goa Purse Seine Boat Owners Association(AGPSBOA), which represents 400-odd purse seiners in the state, is pursuing a demand for a separate ministry at the Centre for coastal fisheries. “We will be speaking to our counterparts in other states and see that our concerns are addressed, and a separate ministry for fishing is established, Harshad Dhond, president, AGPSBOA said. He added, “Banning LED fishing without a provision in the law will not be possible. Succumbing to pressure from the majority of the local fishing community, the State may restrict LED-assisted fishing in Goa waters, but there are chances of fishermen from other states using the method in our waters. After a recent agitation by traditional fishermen including the ramponkar (fishermen who use traditional nets) led by Goa Ramponkarancho Ekvott (GRE), the government notified a ban on LED fishing after some initial hesitation, saying it had no authority to ban the same beyond 12 nautical miles, where trawlers and purse seiners go fishing. The National Fishworkers’ Forum, an all-India body, also backed the demand.

2016, The Hindu