Goan traditional fishermen are warning of a sharp drop in catches this year, which they blame on trawlers from Maharashtra and Karnataka entering Goan waters.

They claim that these trawlers are robbing local fishermen of their livelihood by taking up most of the catch and leaving them with meagre returns of about 4000 Rupees, even though in the past they have produced sizable catches in just three hours.

Fishermen have expressed their shock at the worrying sight of 30 to 40 trawlers from nearby states pillaging their fishing grounds. They said that the lack of action from the authorities despite registering multiple complaints, citing the slow responses from the fisheries department and coastal police, who frequently show up too late to make a meaningful difference.

They clarified that this delay isn’t just the result of law enforcement’s inefficiency but also of their lack of proper resources, like boats, to deal with such violations.

Fishermen have petitioned the Chief Minister for immediate action, arguing that the coastal police should be given at least five boats in order to better enforce regulations. They emphasize that if the widespread trawler intrusion is not addressed, it will endanger not only their customary fishing methods but also the generations-long livelihoods of the local people.

Fishermen have made a strong case to the government about the need to protect long-standing local enterprises from the intrusion of outside interests. They also stress the importance of taking swift action to stop these trawlers’ disruptive activities and guarantee the continuation of customary fishing methods in Goan waters.