In keeping with plans to widen the irrigation network in the state through the Sardar Sarovar dam project, the state government has set a target of doubling Gujarat’s milk, fish, and agricultural production by 2030. The Gujarat government’s current forecast of figures for growth of agriculture seems an attempt to toe the line of PM Narendra Modi’s recent promise to double the income of farmers by 2020. According to the state government’s latest report, agricultural output of cereals, pulses, fruits, vegetables, oil, and milk will double in Gujarat due to better irrigation facilities and the use of technology. The government plans to raise yield of cereals from the 2014 five-year average of 2.2 metric tonnes per hectare per year (MT/ha/annum) to 4.4 MT/ha/annum by 2030. It projects that the yield of pulses will rise from 0.9 MT/ha/annum to 1.2 MT/ha/annum. Fish (brackish water) output is projected to rise from 3.5 lakh MT to 7 lakh metric tonnes a year and milk production from 110.4 lakh metric tonnes to 200 lakh metric tonnes. In the same period, the government claims, vegetable yield will rise from 22.3 MT/ha/annum to 33.1 MT/ha/annum. A senior officer close to the development said that the new action plan to increase agriculture, milk and fish production to double or more than double of current levels by 2030 has already been chalked out. All authorities under the agriculture department will be given yearly targets according to the plan to raise output. “By 2030, with the completion of the Sardar Sarovar dam project and the increase in acreage irrigated, agricultural output is expected to double from current levels,” said the official.