District collector Mahendra Patel has sought a detailed inquiry report on alleged encroachment by a private aquaculture company on 800 bigha government land at Dandi village in Olpad taluka. The inquiry was ordered after Congress leader Darshan Naik exposed the alleged scam of around 700 shrimp farms on 800 bigha government land at Dandi village. In his memorandum to the district collector two days ago, Naik stated that a private company had encroached upon 800 bigha government land at survey number 10 in Dandi village for the purpose of aquaculture activity. The company owners allegedly acquired the land by forging documents obtained from the sarpanch and talati. District collector has asked Olpad prant officer to conduct a thorough inquiry into the alleged encroachment of government land by the private company and submit a report to him for further action. “An inquiry has been ordered into the alleged encroachment of government land at Olpad’s Dandi village. Action will be taken after the report is submitted by the Olpad prant officer,” said a senior officer in the district administration. Naik told TOI, “The illegal encroachment on government land is a serious issue. A proper investigation would bring many officials from the district administration and the fisheries department under the scanner.”
2016, Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.