An official of National Fishworkers Forum(NFF) said that on Saturday, Pakistani forces have arrested 94 Indian fishermen and seized 17 boats off the Gujarat coast. Pakistan Maritime Security Agency captured around 70 fishermen on board 13 boats yesterday. The secretary of NFF – Manish Lodhari said that the 24 others on board four boats were held today in the high seas from near the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) off Jakhau coast. Noting that all of them have been taken to Karachi by the Pakistan agency, Lodhari told media that a total of 94 Indian fishermen have been arrested and 17 boats seized near Jakhau port in the Arabian sea. Lodhari said that the incident comes close on the heels of the PMSA apprehending 11 fishermen with two boats last week. He further added that two boats with eleven fishermen were captured by the PMSA in the last week, we have been officially informed. In an incident on 2nd February, during an extensive search operation the BSF had seized 4 abandoned Pakistani fishing boats near the Sir Creek in Kutch district, Gujarat on the Indo-Pak border.