Australian Border Force (ABF) apprehended 30 illegal foreign fishermen and seized and destroyed three fishing vessels in the week leading up to Christmas as part of an ongoing operation targeting illegal fishing off the coast of Western Australia.

ABF’s Maritime Border Command (MBC) in partnership with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) detected and apprehended the vessels found to be fishing illegally in the Kimberley Marine Park (KMP) between 23rd and 26th December.

The illegal fishing crews have been safely conveyed to shore and placed in immigration detention while authorities consider prosecution and removal from Australia. Their fishing equipment was seized from the vessels and a combined catch of 1170kg of trepang (sea cucumber) as well as 600kg of salt, which is used to preserve the trepang.

The enforcement action is part of an initiative to combat illegal foreign fishing in the KMP under an ABF-led campaign called Operation LEEDSTRUM.

‘If you fish illegally, you will lose your vessel, your equipment and you will be placed in immigration detention to face potential prosecution in Australian courts,’ said operation LEEDSTRUM commander, Assistant Commissioner Kylie Rendina.

‘The detention of these 30 fishers represents the largest cohort of foreign fishers to be detained in over a decade. Our officers are doing outstanding work in difficult conditions while being away from their families during the festive season to protect Australia’s marine environment and our border.’

Commander MBC Rear Admiral Justin Jones said MBC is deploying multiple assets and powers at its disposal to detect, deter, and disrupt illegal foreign fishing in the KMP.

‘This uplift in surveillance and response capability ensures a multi-layered approach using air, sea, littoral, and land assets combined with detection and enforcement effects,’ he said.