Today’s meeting between the Indian Fishermen and Sri Lankan Fishermen has brought about a happy end for a few. Five of the nine Indian fishermen arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy are free to head home. The fishermen will reach India by tomorrow or latest by day after tomorrow. FISHERMEN RELEASED The four fishermen who were arrested yesterday are yet to get their release papers and hence will be freed by tomorrow. As of today, nine Indian fishermen were in Sri Lankan custody for having fished in the Sri Lankan territory. The release of these fishermen after the talks between the two fishing communities and the respective governments comes as a relief and hope for many. FISHERMAN ISSUE TO BE DISCUSSED The Sri Lankan fishermen group and Sri Lankan Foreign Affairs Minister – Mangala Samaraweera – will be meeting Sushma Swaraj on November 5 regarding the fishermen issue. The release of the Indian Fishermen is seen as a positive beginning to the upcoming meeting.

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