Engendering Security in Fisheries and Aquaculture focused on multiple facets in fish value chains and society that matter in realising the security of women, in particular, but also men and communities. These facets include food security and nutrition, legal rights, access to resources and industry opportunities, fair livelihoods, dignified work, safety within the household, and resilience in the face of natural and climate change related disasters. GAF6 built on the overarching theme of food security of the 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum (11AFAF), the host of GAF6, and linked to the theme of the Conference on Climate Change Adaptation for Fisheries & Aquaculture (FishAdapt) (8-10 August 2016, Bangkok). The report is available at: https://genderaquafish.org/events/2016-gaf6-august-bangkok-thailand/gaf6-reports-and-publications/