A training workshop and Mock Drill on marine oil pollution response was conducted by Indian Coast Guard on 04 May 2017 within Port Blair Port limits. This drill was conducted by Coast Guard Pollution Response Team (A&N) in coordination with Port Management Board (Port Blair) and Indian Oil Corporation. Besides participants and observers from these agencies, observers from Forest Department, Andaman & Nicobar Command and Mercantile Marine Department (MMD) also witnessed the drill. The Indian Coast Guard is the Central Coordinating Agency (CCA) for responding to oil spill that occurs in the Maritime Zones of India. The revised National Oil Spill Disaster Contingency Plan 2015 (NOSDCP 2015) which delineates the functional responsibility of each ministry and department of the government and other stake holders in the event of an oil spill disaster has been promulgated by the Coast Guard. To validate Oil Spill response capabilities of stake holders, Pollutions Response Mock Drills and various levels of exercises as per the threat perception are conducted regularly. Accordingly the first Mock Drill in A&N Islands for the current year was conducted on 04 May 17 at Port Blair. The Mock Drill-01/2017 on oil spill crisis situation in the inner harbour area was conducted involving assets of the Coast Guard, Port Management Board and Indian Oil Corporation. The aim of the drill was to exercise the role of Indian Coast Guard Regional Coordination team, Coast Guard Pollution Response Team (A&N), Port Management Board and actions expected from the facility. For the purpose of drill, a scenario was simulated wherein due to an imaginary earthquake; a storage tank of IOC at Port Blair containing Diesel got ruptured and the spilled oil had gone to the adjacent sea leading to formation of oil slick. On receipt of pollution information, various actions as per National Oil Spill Contingency Plan, Regional Plan and Facility Plan were initiated. On undertaking the assessment of the situation, concerned agencies were alerted. The PMB was requested to provide assistance in mobilizing of Pollution Response Equipment of PRT (A&N) to the area. 440 meters of Boom was towed from the Coast Guard jetty to inner harbour area off IOC terminals by the PMB tug, MT Andaman. PMB Harbour Craft Jal Sagar and Coast Guard Gemini craft deployed the boom to stop further drifting of oil spill. On effectively containing spilled oil by the booms, recovery of oil was undertaken by deploying skimmer from the Harbour Craft. Coast Guard Ship C-428 also sprayed oil spill dispersant on the oil slick outside the contained area. The drill was effective in validating the preparedness of the stake holders to meet the crisis situation resulting due to oil spill in the harbour or near shore area of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.