The estimated marine fish landings along the mainland of India in 2023 was 3.53 million tonnes, indicating a 1.2% increase compared to the landings in 2022. The marine fish landings increased noticeably by 15.75% in comparison to 2021.

This year ICAR-CMFRI could expand its survey footprint to Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANI) with the active support of the UT’s Fisheries Department as per an understanding of joint effort to estimate landings and efforts akin to other maritime states which together brought the total estimated marine fish landings of the country as 3.55 million tonnes including the 18381 tonnes from the ANI.

Gujarat, after a series of lull around the pandemic instance, secured the top position in fish landings with 8.23 lakh tonnes, constituting 23.31% of the total landings in the country, followed by Kerala with 6.33 lakh tonnes and Karnataka with 6.04 lakh tonnes.

Major marine fish resources in 2023 landings were, Indian mackerel 3.43 lakh tonnes accounted for 9.72% of the national total, Ribbon fishes 2.70 lakh tonnes (7.64%), Oil sardine 2.45 lakh tonnes (6.95%), Cephalopods 2.13 lakh tonnes (6.02%), and Non-penaeid prawns 2.11 lakh tonnes (5.98%).

In 2023, the major gainers in terms of landings were Non-penaeid prawns, Ribbon fishes, and Indian mackerel compared to 2022. Conversely, Scads, Lesser sardines and Anchovies reported distinct fall in their contribution as compared to previous year.

The cyclonic storm Michaung followed by spates of deluge in the north and south regions during November and December negatively impacted fishing days in Tamil Nadu.

The resurgence of the species Red-toothed trigger fish (Odonus niger) was observed in the year 2023, with 0.48 lakh tonnes of landings.

The Marine fish landings in India – 2023 is available at: