Resolution No.1 We are all aware that the Central government is planning to inter link 111 rivers to support agricultural activities and for passenger/cargo transportation. But this inter linking process will badly affect fishers and fish resources and ultimately its sustainability. The fishers’ places of abode near the vicinity and the river banks will be evacuated forever. The fishing activities will also be seriously affected. Moreover the mangrove plantation will be entrenched out from the river banks and the fish breeding grounds will be destroyed in the process. Its to be noted that the Inter-linking of the rivers will be advantageous only to the cargo transit and tourism lobbies which are in the hands of the affluent and wealthy communities in the country. Hence, National Fish workers Forum General Body resolved to demand to the Central Government to conduct broad based scientific studies and do scientifice review before the implementation of the above mentioned river inter-linking project. Resolution No.2 The envisaged Sagarmala’ project of the Central Government believed to create Industrial Corridors, Thermal Power Projects and Petrochemical units will also include projects to create infrastructures for 52 Sea Ports. These projects, definitely will, end up in sea swelling and the sea coast will be weather-beaten and gnarled bringing endless misery to the fishers and the sector. We have classic example of the Mundra Port in Gujarat where the loss of coast had been enormous and inconceivable. The second Dr.Swaminathan committee report had been approved by the Central Government and the report clearly indicates that the carrying capacity of existing Ports should be studied and ascertained for the pros and cons .The committee also points out that until and unless deeply studying these factors, a moratorium should be enforced for building new Ports. The National Fish workers Forum resolved to demand the Central Government to abandon the idea of creating new Ports envisaged in the Sagarmala’ Project. Resolution No.3 NFF resolved to demand that Insurance schemes for fishing equipments should be enacted inclusive of nets and other gears. Resolution No.4 NFF resolved to continue with the demand that a separate Fisheries Ministry should be formed; de-linking it from the Agricultural Ministry. Resolution No.5 The Odisha Government have enforced ban on fishing for seven months for the protection and conservation of turtles. While we support this action, NFF resolved to demand that the livelihood protection of fishers affected due to the non fishing situation has to be implemented by way of providing monetary assistance to the affected fishers. Resolution No.6 NFF resolved to demand that seismic survey in the Western Coast, mainly in Maharashtra, should immediately be terminated once for all. Resolution No.7 NFF resolved to demand that Kerosene and diesel be provided via PDS with subsidy component for carrying out hinder-less fishing operations. Resolution No.8 NFF resolved to demand that all fishers irrespective of APL/BPL categories be provided benefits included in the welfare schemes implemented by the Central Government. Resolution No.9 NFF resolved to demand the protection of Western Ghats, which will otherwise seriously affect and jeopardise the fishery resources of the Western Sea. NFF resolved to support the Western Ghats protection campaign and demand the implementation of the Madhav Gadgil Committee report. Resolution No.10 NFF resolved to demand that concrete and concerted efforts be taken by the Central Government to protect the fishers who are constantly at the receiving end of the attacks mooted by the Pakistan and Sri Lankan Navy. NFF resolved to demand the Govt of India to not arrest Pakistani fisherpeople, which in turn causes conflict to rise and Pakistani Marine Forces to arrest Indian fishers. NFF also resolved to demand that all arrested fisherpeople be immediately released, along with their fishing equipments including boats. Resolution No.11 NFF demands that as equivalent to the Forests Rights Act, Fisher Rights Act should be formulated for livelihood, fishing in the sea and having dedicated homestaed land in the coastal areas. Resolution No.12 The CRZ notification is being amended consequently for the benefit of tourism and industrial purposes etc. NFF demands that a comprehensive CRZ law protecting the fishing rights, livelihood and the housing rights of the fishers and the Coastal Zone Management Plan be finalisation and follow-up should be under the purview of the states. Resolution No.13 NFF demands that uniform trawl ban period should be for ninety days from 15 May to 15 August for all the maritime states to protect & conserve marine resources and the bio diversity. Resolution No.14 NFF strongly demands that all type of destructive fishing gears viz., bull trawling, bottom trawling, pair trawling, purse seine nets, the fishing done by using high power LED lights etc. should be banned with immediate effect. Moreover we also demand that stringent law should be enacted to control the mesh size to protect the fish resources. Resolution No.15 NFF demands that unscientific practice of depositing rock boulders as sea walls to protcst the coast should be discontinued; instead coast friendly artificial sand dunes could be introduced along the coast affected by the sea erosion. We also demand that proper and timely rehabilitation package should be provided to the affected fishers along the coast. Resolution No.16 The potable drinking water problem is persistent and a never ending problem faced by the fishers all over the coast irrespective of any particular region.Hence NFF demands that a National Drinking Water Policy should be formulated by the Central Government with immediate effect. Resolution No.17 To promote deep sea fishing the Agriculture Ministry of the Central Government recently announced that financial assistance will be provided to traditional fishermen for the procurement of fishing requisites. The scheme under NABARD is learned to be 5 percent contribution from the fishermen, 25 percent contribution as subsidy from the central pool,15 percent from the states and the balance will be the contribution from NABARD by way of a soft loan. Till date this scheme has not been implemented per se. Hence NFF demands that this scheme should be implemented with immediate effect to reduce the burden of the fishers and to tap the resources in the deep sea. Resolution No.18 NFF demands that in compliance with the recommendation of the P.Murari committee , all the foreign fishing vessels should be banned from entering and encroaching into our waters and ample measures should be initiated for the promotion of deep sea fishing for the traditional fishers NFF General Body meeting elected the following persons as office-bearers of the Forum for the period 2016-19:Chairperson: Narendra R Patil (Maharastra),Vice-Chairpersons: Vasudev Boloor (Karnataka), Olencio Simoes (Goa), K Allaya (Odisha), Ravikiran Toraskar (Malvan) Assisting the Chairperson. General Secretary: T. Peter (Kerala),Secretaries: Paulsamy (Tamilnadu), Debasis Shyamal (West Bengal), Jyoti Meher (Maharastra), Usmangani Sherasiya (Gujarat)