CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography has launched skill development courses in aquaculture technology with an aim to address the growing demand for the need of skilled workforce and provide employment opportunities for youth of the country. The skill development centre in aquaculture technology was inaugurated by Dr S Ayyappan, NABARD Chair Professor and former secretary of the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) of the Ministry of Agriculture of India and Director General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Under the programme, it is proposed to conduct four courses initially with job roles/qualification packs: (i) aquaculture technician, (ii) aquatic microbiology assistant, (iii) aquaculture worker, (iv) brackishwater aquaculture farmer. CSIR-NIO is in the process of documentation for affiliation and accreditation with Agriculture Skill Council of India. The central theme of the courses is skill development for unemployed youth with an overall objective to impart hands-on-training in different fields of aquaculture technologies. Persons attending the courses are going to solve many theoretical/practical tasks during the course, and will after completion be awarded with either a certificate describing the content of the course and how each participant were able to solve the tasks. The candidates after undergoing the training will have the employment opportunities in the areas including fish breeder, hatchery manager, farm technician, hatchery technician, feed technician, water system technician, skilled farmers. The course will cater to various sectors including government bodies such as National Fisheries Development Board, Marine Product Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Fisheries Survey of India (FSI), Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDA), Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA), Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), State Fisheries Departments, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying, and Fisheries (DAHDF), fisheries colleges, agriculture research stations, Krishi Vigyana Kedra (KVK), state research institutions, public display aquariums as well as private sector, academics institute, entrepreneurship in ornamental fish culture, aquaculture, hatchery and seed production, commercial pearl oyster production, fish disease diagnostic centre, consultancy services, and establishment of aqua-clinics; and ancillary services in aqua feed preparation, fish oil antibiotic and aqua drug supply, preservation and marketing of sea products.

www.navhindtimes.in 2011