The NFF historically has held the position, that the fisher community has sole rights over coastal land for their housing and livelihood commons. Recent news reports, precisely the Indian express article on 22 March suggest that housing rights will be provided for the fisher community but also identifies diversion of coastal land as well as coastal land reclamation for commercial purposes as part of a new notification. NFF strongly condemns any moves that leads to the dilution of the CRZ 2011 notification. The NFF urges the government to engage with the representatives of the small and traditional fishing community, including the NFF, before it can make any changes or laws that concern the lives and livelihoods of the fishing communities. It should also only effect any statutory changes only with the informed consent of the fishing community. The NFF executive committee (EC) met in Delhi on 31st March to discuss this news report as well as plan for the general assembly of the world forum of fisher people (WFFP GA7). In this meeting the EC out rightly rejected and condemned the changes proposed to the CRZ 2011. In the past large scale violations under the CRZ notifications has been neglected by the concerned authorities, the implementation of the coastal zone management plan (CZMP) has been ignored, the NFF sees this planting of information in the press as another step towards the destruction of the lives and livelihoods of the fisher community. The NFF also requests the current government to implement the CRZ 2011 notification in total as well as work towards the recognizing of the traditional community rights over the lands by approving of the coastal zone management plan.