A delegation from Indonesian labor unions led by Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SAKTI) recently concluded their visit to Taiwan. Their visit was aimed at advocating for more thorough inclusion of fishery worker rights in the Taiwan-Indonesia Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on labor cooperation.

The delegation’s visit comes in the context of ongoing negotiations between Taiwan and Indonesia for the renewal of the MOU, last signed in 2018. The delegation met with key organizations, including the Fisheries Agency, the Indonesian Economic and Trade Representative Office to Taipei (KDEI), and Forum Silaturahmi Pelaut Indonesia (FOSPI), an association of fellow fishers from Indonesia.

SAKTI Secretary-General Syofyan Rozali told the reporter that delayed salary payments are a major concern for many Indonesian fishery workers in Taiwan. He also mentioned cases where crew members did not receive insurance compensation upon death, emphasizing the need for better protection measures.

The delegation stressed the importance of adhering to international labor standards in protecting the rights of Indonesian deep-sea fishery workers. Issues such as the freedom of association, effective complaint mechanisms, free medical care policies for migrant workers, and communication rights at sea using Wi-Fi, were also discussed in the meetings.

The visit highlights the need for continued dialogue and collaboration between Taiwan and Indonesia to uphold labor rights, particularly in the vital sector of deep-sea fishing.