Indonesian Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning or Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Hadi Tjahjanto stated that people residing on Rempang Island, Batam, do not have any land rights, particularly the right to cultivate permit (HGU).

Hadi also said that before the conflict between security officers and the local community arose on Rempang Island, the government had held discussions with Rempang residents.

According to him, nearly 50 percent of the residents had accepted the relocation plan. The government had offered them a new place for them, especially fishermen, according to their livelihood. The government had also prepared the Building Use Rights (HGB) of 500 hectares of land located near the sea to make it easier for them to earn a living.

“We will then divide the 500-hectare land and immediately hand over 500 meters with the certification. We will also build facilities for worship, education, and health care,” he added.

The Ministry of ATR/BPN in tandem with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) would build a pier for fishermen.

During the development process, the government would provide each family with a living allowance and a place to live.