Raising of ornamental fish is a lucrative employment to those who have limited qualifications, said Karnataka Veterinary Animal Science and Fishery University, Bidar, Vice-Chancellor Shivananda Murthy. He was speaking after inaugurating a two-day exhibition and awareness programme for farmers organised by the university and the Fishery Research and Information Centre of Vijayapura at Ranga Mandir here on Saturday. He urged the unemployed youth to take up ornamental fish farming as an occupation. He informed that banks, including NABARD, offered financial aid in this regard. Even at a smaller level, one can start this business with an investment of a couple of lakhs, he said, adding that the university or the research centre at Vijayapura offered training on setting up rearing units. Asserting that the focus of the university was more on promoting inland fishery, he said north Karnataka has an abundant opportunity to set up such small units in ponds. Mr. Murthy urged the farmers to adopt dairy or poultry farming as a parallel source of earning. Stalls have been set up to provide farmers with information on fish farming, poultry, and raising Mudhol dogs for additional revenue.
2017, The Hindu.