Coast Guard Karnataka has been undertaking extensive search for Hameed, a fisherman missing since Monday. Fishing boat Fathima (Reg No IND-KA-01-MM-084) had ventured for fishing with six fishermen. While returning to Old Port on Monday evening, it hit a rock near breakwater and started to sink. The boat could not navigate away from the rock, which is on a non-marked shallow patch towards the approach to the Old Port.Later on Monday night, Coastal Security Police, Mangaluru informed Coast Guard Karnataka regarding the incident. On receipt of this information, Coast Guard Karnataka immediately, diverted its ship ICGS Amartya from the designated patrol area for the search and rescue of the missing fisherman. Five of the six fishermen on board Fathima were rescued by a pilot boat belonging to Bilal from Bengre. Hameed, son of Hassan is still missing. ICGS Amartya rushed to the site of the sinking boat with its maximum speed and arrived there at 10.30pm on September 9. Although the harbour mouth of the Old Port Mangalore is unlit and the surrounding areas have shallow waters and rocky terrain, the ship continued its search by precise manoeuvres and navigation. To augment the search efforts, ICGS Amartya lowered Gemini boat. The search operation continued throughout the night. Later on Monday night, Coastal Security Police, Mangaluru informed Coast Guard Karnataka regarding the incident. On receipt of this information, Coast Guard Karnataka immediately, diverted its ship ICGS Amartya from the designated patrol area for the search and rescue of the missing fisherman. Five of the six fishermen on board Fathima were rescued by a pilot boat belonging to Bilal from Bengre. Hameed, son of Hassan is still missing. ICGS Amartya rushed to the site of the sinking boat with its maximum speed and arrived there at 10.30pm on September 9. Although the harbour mouth of the Old Port Mangalore is unlit and the surrounding areas have shallow waters and rocky terrain, the ship continued its search by precise manoeuvres and navigation. To augment the search efforts, ICGS Amartya lowered Gemini boat. The search operation continued throughout the night.
2016 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.