Deep sea fishing season began a few days ago in the district. Now fish is caught in abundance in the Arabian Sea.

Squid fish is caught by fishermen in plenty. However, as there is no suitable price for it, they are not reaping the benefits of their hard work.

Last time, mackerels were seen in abundance when the fishing season began. This year it is the turn of squid. Malpe fishing port is filled with heaps of squid fish.

On normal days, squid is sold at Rs 400 per kilo. But now as the catch is bountiful, it is sold for just Rs 70 to Rs 90. Bondas Sukka is one of the favourite dishes of sea food lovers.

Squid fish had good demand in overseas countries. European countries used to pay good price for it. However, the demand has gone down since some years. So the fish cannot be sent overseas and has to be sold in the local market itself.

Fisherman Loknath Kunder said, “We used empty the whole boat of squids on the day of returning from fishing. However, now there is no demand for export. So we are unable to empty the boats. As good price is not available in the market we have to hold the fish in the boat itself. But this fish gets decayed even if comes in contact with slight air. So we are emptying it little by little.”

Earlier, squids used to get exported to overseas countries from ports in Gujarat and Kerala. Around 20 containers were sent in a go. Now the number is reduced to just two containers. Hence the demand is too low. Now, the fishermen expect other variety of fish to be caught in deep sea, so that the squid gets a good price in the market.