Continuing its opposition against Yettinahole or Netravathi diversion project, Sahyadri Sanchaya, a registered body of environmental activists, will organise a programme on Panambur Beach here on June 5 to create awareness on how the project will affect fisheries. According to Dinesh Holla, convener of the sanchaya, two artists Pranesh Kudroli and Jeevan Salian will create an art of fish on the beach at 5 p.m. The art would showcase eight or 10 fish affected by the project. The sanchaya has called the awareness programme as Matsya Rodana. It has organised it on the occasion of World Environment Day as many people would visit the beach on Sunday evening. A compact disc (CD) titled Alutiruvalu Netravathi would also be released on the occasion to create awareness on the impact of the project on environment and ecology. Mr. Holla said that the CD would be distributed to clubs and different organisations to create awareness and mobilise support to prevail upon the government to drop the project. To plant saplings Meanwhile, activists of the sanchaya and Rashtriya Parisara Samrakshana Okkuta would plant saplings in the old deer park, in front of the Kadri Park on Sunday morning. They have asked people to bring saplings, preferably local fruit yielding and shade-giving local varieties, on their own. According to them, those who plant the saplings should take care by watering them in summer. Hence, no need should arise to re-plant a sapling in the same place. Those who are not able to bring any sapling could contact the organisers for arranging them. The programme would start at 7.30 a.m. Later, the organisers have arranged a face-to-face with Forest Department officials and environment engineers of Mangaluru City Corporation at Sahodaya Hall, Balmatta, for an hour from 11 a.m. Call Madhava Ullal on Ph: 9448107889 or Dinesh Holla on Ph: 9341116111 for saplings.
2016, The Hindu