The drought in the district has now affected the inland fisheries activities also. According to the authorities from the department of fisheries, the demand for the fish spawn and fish fingerling has come down by around 40% in this monsoon season.

However, the officials are optimistic about an improvement in the situation in the coming days. According to the Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) data, between June 1 and July 19, Mysuru district recorded -34% deficit rainfall. Normal rainfall for this period is usually 171 mm while the district has recorded 114 mm rainfall. The situation is not different in other southern districts.

Manjunath GH, deputy director of fisheries, said that presently fish spawn and fish fingerling are produced in three fish seed production and rearing farms in the district. “We supply 45 crore spawns and 1.70 crore fish fingerlings to all the surrounding districts, including Kodagu, Chamarajanagar, Mandya, Ramanagar and Hassan. This year due to deficit rainfall, the demand for fish spawns, and fish fingerlings has come down by 40%,” he said.

According to the officials from the department, every year around 30 crore of spawns are bought by the fishermen, fishermen’s cooperative societies and progressive farmers. But this year as all the southern districts are facing rain shortage, the demand for spawns, and fish fingerlings has come down drastically, said officials.

According to the fishermen, rain is key for fisheries activities. The tanks are yet to get good water. If the rain situation doesn’t improve by August, both farming and fisheries activities will get affected in a big way. The only way left for the farmers is to depend upon animal husbandry activities, said Vijaya Kumar, a progressive farmer from HD Kote.

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