With the rapid depletion of fish stocks in Indian waters causing concern, the state Fisheries department has decided to regulate fishing activities along Kerala’s coastline. Though Kerala was the leading state in marine fish production in India, it slipped to fourth position during the last decade due to over exploitation of fishing resources. Fisheries minister J Mercykutty Amma said that the government was actively considering amendments to Kerala Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1980 to codntrol the wanton use of deep sea trawlers, which is threatening the livelihood of traditional fishermen. More regulations will be incorporated in consultation with fishermen. The government is planning to ensure sustainable fishing by regulating mechanised fishing. Under Kerala Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1980 (KMFRA) only the nets used in trawling boats are regulated. Standardisation of mesh size was a long over due process. Rampant netting of fish fry (infant fish) using nets of narrower mesh size has led to depletion of fish stocks. Tonnes of yough fish are netted and sold to the manure industry. Even fries of highly valuable fish varieties such as seer fish are caught. This unethical practice has led to steep decline in fish population along Kerala’s coastline. Considering the the ecological consequences of overfishing the government had appointed many commissions to recommend steps to check unscientific and improper fishing practices. The commissions recommended ban on fishing nets with a mesh size below 28 mm including Chinese and trammel nets. “The trawlers do not even follow the mandatory mesh size of 35 mm. said a scientist from Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI). The state government is also planning to reduce the number of fishing boats operating in the state. “Issuing fishing licence to boats as well as boat yards is under consideration. Some of the radical measures such as the Norway model of fixing quota for catch are in the discussion stage. said a senior official with Fisheries department. Fishing using purse seine nets, use of Chinese nets during high tide, various trawling practices such as pair trawling, bull trawling would be banned.

2016, The New Indian Express.