The two-day 11th State conference of the CITU-affiliated Matsya Thozhilali Federation will be held here from January 26. Conference organising committee members said here on Tuesday that though a rally and a public meeting in connection with the conference had been planned earlier, these had now been dropped in view of the fact that the fishing sector was yet to recover from the demonetisation-triggered financial crisis. The delegates’ session in the morning will be inaugurated by CITU general secretary Elamaram Karim. The session will be addressed by Minister for Fisheries J. Mercykutty Amma, State president of the federation V.V. Saseendran, general secretary Kootayi Basheer and CPI(M) district secretary K.N. Balagopal. As many as 252 delegates are attending the session. Seminar In the evening on the same day, a seminar on “demonetisation and the crisis in the fisheries sector will be inaugurated by Finance Minister T.M. Thomas Isaac. INTUC leader K. Suresh Babu; the traditional fisheries sector leader A. Andrews; AITUC leader J. Udayabhanu; and former executive director of the Kerala Social Service Society Rev. Romans Antony; will speak. As a prelude to the conference, a zoology quiz will be held at the Fatima Mata National College on Wednesday. In connection with the conference beach football matches will also be organised.

2017, The Hindu.