Traditional fishermen in Kerala have expressed disappointment over the Kerala Budget provision of ₹180 crore for the fishing sector which they said is inadequate to address pressing issues. The Budget does not mention any measure to combat new challenges like improving fishing craft and Blue Economy policy proposed by the Central government, they said.

The seafood industry has, however, welcomed the allocation of Rs.10 crore for a common effluent treatment plant in Chandiroor-Aroor zone. It is a much needed step, said Alex Ninan of Seafood Exporters’ Association immediately after the Budget. Charles George of Matsya Thozhilali Aikya Vedhi an independent fishermen’s union, said the Budget has not mentioned anything about the impact of the Blue Economy policy.

The cooperatives should have been strengthened to combat the arrival of multinational and national monopolies in deep sea fishing, he added. The Budget has no provisions on ecology and environment when coming to increasing fish production through aquaculture, he added. The Budget does not mention modernising and improving the standards of traditional fishing boats and equipping them to meet the new challenges at sea, he added. Overall, the State Budget only supports the national policy and forgets the livelihood of thousands of fishermen traditionally engaged in the sector.