The fishermen at Poonthura, one of the worst-affected areas in the recent sea surge that inundated the coastal villages last Sunday, have raised serious concerns about the effectiveness of the offshore breakwater being constructed there.

The 750-metre-long offshore geotube breakwater was proposed at Poonthura on a pilot basis by the state government to protect its shoreline. Around 200 metres of offshore breakwater have been completed at Poonthura.

However, the fishermen are dissatisfied with the project and claim that it is ineffective and non-beneficial for the fishing community. The government is planning to implement similar projects to protect beaches across Kerala.

Three fishermen at Poonthura were severely hurt by violent waves on Sunday. “We need proper breakwaters. They should stack up rocks and protect our shoreline. My husband was badly hurt in the accident and incidents like this have never happened before,” says Santhi M, wife of Kalsen Peter, a 46-year-old fisherman who was hurt in the swell waves.

Poonthura is one of the most densely populated coastal areas in the state. “We have been raising this issue with the government for so long. They are wasting public money by dumping geotubes in the sea. It’s clearly not working and not benefitting the fishermen. Sunday’s sea surge has exposed the ineffectiveness of the offshore breakwater. The government should rethink about the project,” said Poonthura Jaison, Thiruvananthapuram district president of Mathsyathozhilali.

He said the issue will be taken up again with the state government. Three people were injured and one of them is in the ventilator. The government should give immediate relief to the families of the victims,” said Jaison.

The Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) had sanctioned Rs 150 crore for the offshore breakwater project being implemented by the Kerala State Coastal Area Development Corporation (KSCADC). Around Rs 20 crore was released for the pilot project and the plan is to construct a 1-km-long offshore breakwater from Poonthura to Shankhumukham.

“We will strongly raise this issue in the coming days. Poonthura is one of the densely populated fishing villages that caters to the fishing demands of the whole district. The government should plan more infrastructure for us and construct groynes to protect our village and livelihood,” added Jaison.

‘Concerns baseless’

KSCADC authorities have termed the fishers’ concerns baseless. “Studies show that the project is very effective and two scientists from National Institute of Ocean Technology are here observing and monitoring the offshore breakwater. Also, it’s not practical to source stones and construct conven-tional seawalls anymore,” said a KSCADC official.