The government is considering a proposal for a survey to identify the offshore locations with the potential for deep sea sand-mining. Industries Minister A.C. Moideen told the Assembly on Monday that the survey would be conducted by the Geological Survey of India. It would be based on baseline data on the extraction of sea sand by other countries. The project would be taken up only after assessing its impact on the marine ecology and the livelihood of fishermen, he said, while replying to a submission moved by Hibi Eden. The Fisheries Survey of India, National Institute of Oceanography, and the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute would be asked to take up an impact assessment study. The government would also take fish workers into confidence before launching the project. Pointing out that the construction sector in Kerala was facing a serious crisis owing to the scarcity of building materials, the Minister said the proposal for deep sea sand-mining was expected to address the issue. The government would be guided by the proposed Central legislation on deep-sea mining of minerals and the State’s interests. Raising concerns Earlier, moving the submission, Mr. Eden said the proposal had sparked concerns about marine biodiversity and loss of livelihood for fishers. He said the ecological impact of sea sand-mining had forced many countries had abandon such projects.