The latest edition of SAMUDRA Report, the triannual journal of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), which covers issues related to fisheries, fishing communities and fishers’ livelihoods, has just been released.

The current issue, SAMUDRA Report No. 61, dated March 2012, features a range of articles from various countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as other reports and analyses, especially of small-scale, artisanal fisheries.

A special focus in this issue is the forthcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development or Rio+20, to be held in Rio, Brazil, in June. The Comment in SAMUDRA Report No. 61 argues for a human-rights approach to sustainable fisheries in the light of moves to build a “green economy”.

The perspective of environmental justice is used in one article to analyze the conflicts arising from shrimp aquaculture in central America. Another article from the US describes the Passamaquoddy tribe in eastern Maine as indigenous fishers with sovereign rights.

A community-based approach to fisheries management in New Brunswick, and quota leasing in the small-boat fishery of British Columbia are covered in two separate articles on Canada.

Another article shows how the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Sea is focusing on legislation on fishworkers’ labour rights.

From Africa comes a report of an access-to-information survey that reveals the unwillingness of public authorities and companies to respect freedom of information in fisheries.

Europe’s new Common Fisheries Policy, and the proposed Voluntary Guidelines to Secure Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries (VG-SSF) have been analyzed in the current issue of SAMUDRA Report.

Also in the issue is a report on a recent workshop in New Delhi on the social dimensions of marine protected area implementation, and how to balance the needs of conservation and fisheries-dependent livelihoods.

Book reviews, notices, announcements, fisheries statistics and organizational profiles make up the rest of SAMUDRA Report No. 61.

The complete issue of SAMUDRA Report No. 61 can be downloaded at

ICSF is an international NGO that works towards the establishment of equitable, gender-just, self-reliant and sustainable fisheries, particularly in the small-scale, artisanal sector.

For more, please visit

2012 ICSF