The fate of fishermen in Indonesia’s North Jakarta grow more and more heartbreaking with each passing day. Unpredictable revenue aside, their diesel fuel needs to energize their boats to find fishes are often hindered by the gas station proprietor.

Head of Jakarta Regional Division Indonesia Fishermen Union (HNSI), Yan Sasmita admitted, that fishermen are experiencing difficulties in acquiring diesel fuel in gas station, therefore they take a shortcut by buying diesel from on the side of the road retailer at a higher price.

“The usage of oil can in purchasing diesel fuel make it difficult because the proprietor limited the amount purchased,” Yan said after he attended Marine Produce Festival at Fish Auction Site (TPI) Muaraangke, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, Tuesday (6/5).

He also complained about the minimal amount of diesel fuel subsidy. Fishermen who used 30 GT boat type will only get 25 KL subsidy, whereas ideally they should get 75 KL. “I will fight for the addition of subsidy. Such little amount only enables them to sail between Seribu Island – Jakarta, and not outside Java island in which the fishes are abundant,” he stated.

The condition of the boats from the government also abysmal, therefore the fishermen ended up neglecting them.

“Pitiful condition aside, the boat from the government also under equipped from the necessary tools, and the fishermen do not have the resources to equip them decently,” he whined.

There are two 30 GT boats that will be given to the fishermen in Jakarta. Only one actually arrived and even that cannot be used because it is not equipped with decent sailing equipment. “I will reject the other one that will come this year because I know the condition would be the same as the first,” he explained.

Rudi (22) a fisherman admitted that he was forced to buy diesel fuel in retail at Rp 5,000 price instead of the usual Rp 4,500 at a gas station.

Economy Coordination Ministry Hatta Rajasa promised he will coordinate with Pertamina to build gas station around the port so that the fishermen are able to get diesel fuel easily for sailing. “The fishermen will be given diesel fuel up to 3 million kilogram liters per year. Thereby, gas station procurement will be increased. They should brave to refuse outside people who try to buy their diesel fuel so it can be consumed on right target. It must be run smoothly this year, either private side or government, he told. He also promised that he will improve fisherman’s welfare by providing facilities in form of fishing gears and boats.

“The fishermen will be given diesel fuel up to 3 million kilogram liters per year. Thereby, gas station procurement will be increased. They should brave to refuse outside people who try to buy their diesel fuel so it can be consumed on right target. It must be run smoothly this year, either private side or government, he told. – Media Online Pemprov DKI Jakarta