A sea change is unfurling on the coast of Gorai, Manori and Uttan. The traditional wooden boats that once lined these shores are sinking into oblivion as fibreglass has become the material of choice for boatmakers and fishermen. Cheaper, quicker to build, and non-degradable, these slick ships now dominate the area’s fishing fleet. Fisherman Raymond Patil used to have a fleet of traditional teakwood boats 10 years ago but despite a 25% subsidy on the vessels, he stopped buying them. “Each time my wooden boat had to be scrapped, I replaced it with a fibreglass one,” says the sixty-something Patil. “Fibreglass boats have made fishing more profitable,” says Gorai boatmaker Clyde Henriques. He first experimented with fibreglass canoes a couple of decades ago. He then moved on to building larger boats with the material, procured from Navi Mumbai and Hyderabad. Today, he makes three to four boats a month, and has a long waiting list of customers. “Once they go out, they hardly come back for repairs,” he says. A fibreglass-hulled fishing boat costs about Rs 20 lakh, less than half the price of a wooden boat. It lasts about 40 years, almost twice as long as a wooden boat. And it can be built quickly. Once the design is selected, says Henriques, the mould is prepared and the hull is ready in 15 to 20 days. By contrast, a wooden boat takes six to eight months to build and requires much upkeep. Wooden boats need regular drying, oiling and re-painting. They need to be pulled off the water during fishing holidays to reduce water damage. Bhayander fisherman Austine Natho says he has saved lakhs of rupees in maintenance. “I don’t miss my wooden boats at all.” However, durability is also the environmental downside: Fibreglass is reinforced plastic, and non-biodegradable. The oldest boats are sold for scrap, and younger boats have good resale value, says Lee Dsouza, a boatmaker from Uttan in Bhayander (W). He estimates that only 10% of the area’s boats are still made of wood. It’s no surprise then to see wooden boats sitting in various stages of decay on the beach. The new boats look quite different. Fibreglass can be contoured to various shapes easily, says D’Souza. They are also heavier, making for smoother sailing. And gone are the classic white, black, and red colours of the wooden hulls. The use of permanent gel paints allows for a greater variety of colours. Many boats also have elaborate scenes painted on them. One boat-owner got a Titanic poster painted on the hull; others have pictures of a rising sun. Henrique’s USP is the Indian flag. “I tell my customers that painting the national flag is a must,” he says. Yet, manufacturers also retain some of the old look. The top portion is still made of wood, though it is now the cheaper babul wood, not teak. And tradition is still maintained in the design of the bow, the pointed front of the boat. The angle of the bow varies along the coast. The bow of a boat belonging to Alibaug and Ratnagiri, for instance, tilts at 150 degrees. A boat from the Madh-Manori belt will not tilt below 120 degrees. And farther north in Uttan, Vasai, and Arnala in Virar, the bow will incline up, anywhere between 130-140 degrees. This design custom hasn’t changed. One area where wooden boats are still common is north of Gorai, in Palghar, for instance. But there too, fibreglass is slowly becoming the norm. “The old boats will be used till their final breath,” says Dsouza, “but when it comes for replacement, it will be fibreglass all the way.”