Indonesian migrant workers are the second-biggest contributors to the nation’s foreign exchange, adding Rp159.6 trillion (around US$10.20 billion) annually, head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Protection Agency (BP2MI), Benny Rhamdani, has said.

He made the statement during a briefing in Jakarta on Thursday for 1,500 prospective Indonesian migrant workers scheduled to leave for South Korea.

So far, the BP2MI has readied fast routes at airports as well as special lounges for migrant workers as a form of respect for them.

According to Rhamdani, one of the reasons the 1,500 people chose to work in South Korea was higher salaries.

“The average standard salary in South Korea reaches Rp23 million (US$1,469) to Rp30 million (US$1,917) if they work overtime and get a bonus. This is much higher than the minimum salary in Indonesia,” he explained.

According to him, every year, Indonesia has been increasing the quota for migrant workers headed to South Korea.

According to Rhamdani, the 1,500 prospective migrant workers who will leave for South Korea are dominated by residents of Java island. On average, they will work in the manufacturing and fisheries sectors.