The Shwe Padauk Fish Market and Baho Sanpya Fish Market mainly provide marine products to cover the daily consumption in Yangon, where about seven million people reside. During the monsoon season, the Shwe Padauk Fish Market distributes about 300,000 visses of freshwater fishery products and 150,000 visses of saltwater fishery products daily.
The market receives 14 freshwater products and 15 saltwater products from Yangon Region, Ayeyawady Region, Bago Region, Rakhine State, Mon State and Taninthayi Region. It also distributes marine products to hilly areas, as well as the central and lower parts of Myanmar and Bangladesh. The freshwater rohu and river catfish are mainly exported to Bangladesh, and to Dubai and Saudi Arabia through Bangladesh port.
The arrival of freshwater and saltwater products this year is not much different from last monsoon season. The fishery product sales are in normal condition. The Shwe Padauk fish market is a focal hub for customers and Yangon Region. It boasts proper transport systems like land and waterway, and it is a main trading hub for local and foreign. We export rohu and striped catfish and other fish to Bangladesh. The saltwater fishery products are transported to companies and cold storage facilities, and the local consumption rate is high for freshwater fishery products except for the export volume of rohu and river catfish to Bangladesh. There is foreign demand for rohu and river catfish. If they are exported directly to foreign countries without any agents, there will be foreign income, which will earn extra revenue for the country. It will also benefit the fish farmers and exporters,” said U Kyin Saw, chairman of the market development committee.
The fish and prawn are produced in different regions and states, and the saltwater products are exported to Thailand, China, and Japan. These two fish markets receive most of the freshwater products for local consumption. The Shwe Padauk Fish Market opens from 3 am to 5 pm daily. The market is on 8.172 acres of land and has eight complexes, 444 shops, and over 90 vendor stalls. It mainly distributes 20 types of freshwater fish and 25 kinds of saltwater fish daily. Establishing a fish export market can double the export volume and revenue of the country and create economic opportunities for fish farmers.