Over a week after 43 persons were hospitalised because of suspected food poisoning in the Phongching village under Longleng district, the administration has ruled out fish contamination as the cause of the ‘acute gastroenteritis’ outbreak.  Deputy commissioner of Longleng informed said a thorough investigation into the recent outbreak of ‘acute gastroenteritis’ in Pongching village and detailed analysis by the State Public Health Laboratory and the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) has determined that the suspected source of the outbreak was not contaminated fish as believed earlier.

A probe of the suspected samples established that the fish did not contain any harmful contaminants that could be linked to the occurrence of the outbreak of acute gastroenteritis. No evidence was found to suggest that the outbreak was related to the fish shops in the area either. Following the report, the DC has ordered immediate reopening of all fish shops in Longleng town. The decision, it informed, was taken after careful consideration of the investigation results, and that it was deemed safe to resume normal business operations without further delay.

All shop owners and residents have also been directed to follow standard hygiene practices, such as proper hand washing, food safety measures, and maintaining a clean environment, and to remain vigilant and report any unusual health concerns to the appropriate authorities for timely action. 43 persons from Pongching village were admitted to District Hospital Longleng on June 15 for medical treatment on suspicion of food poisoning. A report of State Public Health Laboratory, Nagaland, Kohima and CMO, Longleng, stated that food contamination was due to unhygienic food handling and presence of E Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria. The fish shop in Longleng town, which was sealed soon after the outbreak was reported, was re-opened by the district administration along with the Chamber of Commerce and Longleng Police.