With the import of fish from other states mainly from Andhra Pradesh, the demand has increased in Nagaland, said parliamentary secretary of Municipal Affairs, Economics and Statistics, R. Tohanba. Speaking as chief guest at the inaugural programme for wholesale cum retail fish market, the first of its kind Saturday, at Bamunpukhuri-1, Dimapur, financed 90% by National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) Hyderabad and implemented by Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC), R. Tohanba mentioned that there has been a wide scope of development of fisheries which would boost the rural economy and sustainable development. He said that in Nagaland fish seed rearing unit was only 60 hectare thereby he urged the need to be upgraded. He maintained that as per 2015-16, financial year, the total fish production in Nagaland was 8220 MT and import 3850 MT of fishes which constituted only 32 percent of total available for consumption. Lauding Bamunpukhuri-1 for inaugurating the market, R. Tohanba said that fisheries and aquaculture is the fastest growing production sector contributing considerably towards food security, foreign exchange earnings, employment generation, and empowerment of women and socio economic development of the fishing community in the country. He therefore encouraged the gathering to utilize the infrastructure properly and to maintain hygiene in the market which would be the outlet for rural farmers, apart from providing fish to the consumer. Short speech was delivered by NFDB officer in-charge Sanjay Sharma where he encouraged the gathering to maintain hygiene and assured to provide assistance even in the days to come. Fishery department additional director Imti Longkumer also spoke at the programme. Earlier, the programme was chaired by DMC deputy director Dr. H Inato Jimomi, invocation prayer was pronounced by SBAB pastor Hekato Awomi, welcome and keynote address was delivered by DMC, administrator H. Atokhe Aye where he mentioned about the objective and benefits of fisheries.
Nagaland Post 2011.