Hatutungu Fishing has established a social responsibility fund that will mainly focus on providing sponsorship to underprivileged and vulnerable members of society.

The company is also in the process of constructing a centre for children in Windhoek. The centre is expected to focus mainly on issues affecting vulnerable children, apart from funding.

The fishing factory is based in Walvis Bay. However, the centre will be constructed in Windhoek, to be more accessible to all regions.

The fund has been involved in sponsoring students and safe homes since 2009.

The company’s chairman, Stanley Sitali, said they have funded several students, as well as the University of Namibia, International University of Management and secondary schools, among others.

He said they were in discussions with the Municipality of Windhoek to construct a centre for children.

The company aims to remain objective in its selection process of deserving recipients in order to avoid unnecessary hiccups.

Eligible candidates will be scrutinised at the highest level to establish whether funding is needed.

The selection criteria will also be conducted in a fair manner to ensure equality amongst candidates.

He could not say when the initial construction of the centre would start.

“We have already set up an account, although the process takes time due to the fact that it is an organization not for gain,” he said.

Hatutungu was recently applauded by the fisheries minister, Bernard Esau, for a business venture that provides permanent jobs to at least 250 Namibians.

2012 AllAfrica