Commenting on the Marine Conservation Society’s latest update on sustainable seafood ratings, Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the SFF, said: “Whilst we are disappointed that the MCS advice on North Sea cod remains unchanged at the moment, we are pleased that they recognise that the stock is on the road to recovery due to the conservation efforts of our fishermen.

“We firmly believe that North Sea cod is a sustainable choice for the consumer because the scientific advice indicates that stock levels will continue to rise in future, thanks to the sustainable fishing practices adopted by our fishermen. Indeed, the majority of stocks of interest to Scottish fishermen are increasing – and important species such as Scottish haddock , saithe and herring are all independently certified by the Marine Stewardship Council for the responsible manner in which they are harvested. Our unequivocal message to the consumer is to eat more Scottish fish – and that includes North Sea cod.

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