The data disseminated through this page was produced within the framework of the preparation of the Illuminating Hidden Harvests – the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development (IHH) study conducted by FAO, Duke University and WorldFish.
Data was collated from different data sources applying a specific methodology (see Annex A of the IHH study as well as FAO, Duke University & WorldFish. 2024. Applying the Illuminating Hidden Harvests approach – Compiling data on the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development. Rome), for the exclusive purpose of the IHH study. Therefore, data is not to be considered official country data and do not replace the information provided in official FAO data systems.
Here you can access selected data from IHH country case studies and other related sources used in the IHH analysis, as well as the related metadata that provides additional explanations for each dataset. Please note that data coverage varies among countries, according to the data availability.
The data is presented at the lowest level of aggregation feasible given varying availability between different country case studies. For exploring the possibility of more disaggregated data from specific country case studies, please send a request to
The various data file relates closely to the various chapters of the IHH study.