As many as 363 Olive Ridley turtles were found dead along the 100-kilometre stretch from lake Chilika to mouth of river Devi, thanks to fishing by mechanised boat operators who have flouted fishing ban. According to forest department sources, 363 turtles have died in the past two months, while unofficial sources have put the toll far beyond the figure. Olive Ridley turtles frequently swim close to Devi river estuary during breeding season, especially in winter. In order to facilitate safe breeding of these endangered species, forest department had put restrictions on fishing by trawlers and mechanised boats along the coast from November to May-end. The forest department had set up one off-shore and 13 on-shore patrolling camps at Brahmagiri, Balukhand, Konark and Astaranga under Chilika forest division to keep vigil over illegal trawlers. Locals, however, claimed that although there is constant patrolling in Astaranga, the team is inoperative in and around Konark area. Forest officials said the state government has banned fishing by trawlers within 20-km into the sea near the Devi river estuary and prohibited mechanised fishing within 5-km radius from the coast. Despite prohibitory measures, numerous trawlers and local fishermen were found fishing in violation of the Marine Fishing Regulatory Act (MFRA). Olive Ridley turtles get entangled in the fishing nets or get hit by the speeding trawlers. Several tourists and locals claimed forest officials did not bury the carcasses of the turtles and consequently stray dogs and crows feed on them causing beach pollution. When asked about measures being taken by forest department to deaths of turtles, Puri divisional forest officer Chittaranjan Mishra said “We have ensured best possible patrolling measures between the estuary and Daluakani coast. Steps are being taken to bury carcasses of the endangered species. The fisheries department has been assigned to patrol in Konark division, he added.

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