A six-member team from the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) started an inquiry into the mass death of fish in Bata and Kaudia creeks in this port town today. The experts have collected water samples from the creeks for clinical examination. The fisheries department and Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB ) also inspected the water bodies on Monday and revealed that the presence of high nitrogen content in industrial effluent and sewage flowing into these water bodies had led to a drop in the oxygen level causing the death of fish due to asphyxiation. Hundreds of fish were recently found floating in the water bodies and creeks of Bata and Kaudia in Paradip recently. Meanwhile, local fishermen blamed industries in the town for the death of the fish. The industries are releasing untreated effluent into the water bodies, a practice hazardous for aquatic life, they pointed out. The pollution board, however, is taking no action against them, a fisherman alleged. Fishermen pay the authorities for lease rights to catch fish in the rivers and creeks at Paradip. “The future of these fishermen hangs in balance as fish are dying of asphyxiation because of the untreated effluent, he said.

2016 , Odisha Televeision Ltd