The State Government’s decision to restrict fishing activities in the sea is raising concerns among approximately 50,000 marine fishermen who rely on these activities for their livelihoods.

These turtles primarily choose the shores of Baleswar, Bhadrak, Kendrapada, Jagatsinghpur, Puri, and Ganjam districts for nesting, drawing millions of them to the region. To prioritize their protection, the Government has imposed fishing restrictions, which also apply to the Devi, Rushikulya, and Barunei sanctuaries in Odisha.

While many fishermen are adhering to these regulations, the absence of a clear demarcation system at sea has led to numerous fishermen being detained by the Fisheries Department, Forest Department, and Coast Guard. Some are even facing incarceration on alleged false charges. Moreover, frequent storms and low-pressure weather systems often render fishing impossible for extended periods. On top of that, fishing is banned for nine months of the year to protect fish larvae and sea turtles, significantly impacting marine fish production. Consequently, families whose livelihoods depend on marine fishing are facing significant challenges.